Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tagaytay trip 2012

            For several years now, it has been a tradition in our family to go to Tagaytay during the month of January. Why? Well, I really don’t know, probably for us to feel the coldness of the season.

             And so, early this month - last January 8, we went to Tagaytay. 

            First thing we did when we got there was, to do grocery then dine at the famous Mushroom Burger…

Smile muna while waiting for the food :)
This wishing well is located just outside the resto :)
            Then we visited Our Lady of Manaoag. I’m not sure if it has been there for a long time now coz the only Shrine of Manaoag I know is, the one located in Pangasinan. 

The image of Our Lady of Manaoag

(R) The Forgiveness Corner ; (L) The place where people write their personal prayers

Images of Mama Mary, Jesus Christ and other saints

Station of the Cross outside the shrine

            I’m sure anyone would feel blessed after visiting a holy place, because that’s how I felt afterwards. So glad we made it there – it was our first time! :)

Jesus Christ on the Cross located at the 3rd floor of the Shrine

With the very huge image of Our Lady of Manaoag :)

            And since we’re already in Tagaytay, we sure didn’t want to miss trying out the ZipLine. So later in our trip, we went to the Picnic Grove and seek to experience the adventure that they offer. 

That is me on the right with ate Lara and Shan on her back ..

Our souvenir from the Tagaytay Zipline .. :)

            We can also never deny the beauty of nature in Tagaytay ...

At the Picnic Grove

I forgot where was this taken .. heheh!
            To complete our trip, we dropped by the Mahogany market and bought some fresh beef. We definitely had fun the whole day and a great way to start the fully loaded week! :)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello 2012 !!!!!

            As we say hello to 2012, I’m sure we are all excited to welcome it with a bang!

            When I was younger, I remember our family would prepare lots of foods, lucky charms and fireworks and follow almost all the rituals in welcoming the New Year.

            But since 2 years ago, we stopped buying firecrackers and would just watch our neighbor's fireworks display. It is safer and cost-effective. And all we got to do is prepare lots of foods -- yummy and colorful foods! :)

            I made some of our colourful main dishes such as Spaghetti in Chunky Tomato with Basil sauce, Sweet and Sour Pork, Fried Fish Fillet with 2 choices of sauce – cream of tartar or lemon and butter sauce.

Funny yang Cream of tartar, alam ko gawin before pa di ko lang alam yung tawag. hahah!

            My mom prepared her favourite Caldereta and Steamed Shrimps – all red, perfect for to welcome the New Year! (pampaswerte :p )

            For our dessert, Charmaine did the fruit salad, kuya bought the cassava cake and ate lara for the strawberries with cream.

Strawberries were super fresh from Baguio. :)

            When the clock was about to turn at 12mn, we immediately performed rituals or pamahiin for the event like, opening and exposing our wallets and bags, hanging 7 pieces of grapes, jumping, making noise and of course, the EATING TIME!

And definitely,  the 12 round fruits completes our table!

            I know this entry came very late, but since it’s Better Late Than Never, I wanna say ...

            Happy Happy New Year and may we all have a joyful and fruitful 2012 !! :)