Friday, December 30, 2011

A Look Back at 2011

            Just like most people do, I also feel that this year went so fast. 2011 may seemed so short, but a lot of things have happened that are really memorable. So as I look back, let me share the highlights of my year. :)

            In terms of career, hmmm, paano ba to? Well, I am a nurse and as we all know, there is a scarcity of jobs that are really nursing related. And definitely, I don’t want to just sit around and be a bum at home. So what I did was, put up a business. 

            Early January, my mom and I started planning to run a small business. We decided to have a food stall business. After gathering all the equipment and everything needed for the stand, we inaugurated the Mini Burger Stand first week of February near St. James College of Q.C.

The tarpaulin I used for the stall. Very affordable lang lahat! :)
            It was doing well naman, although not at its best or di ganoon ka-boom, we were not lugi at all. But I had to stop at the end of March because my market (mostly students of SJC) will be on vacation. We planned to be back on June, unfortunately, didn’t push through.

            I know doing business is far from being a nurse, but I did because I know I had to. And since I wasn’t able to get back, I tried to apply from different companies that are hiring nurses. It was in August when I got hired in a vaccine manufacturing company as their clinic nurse. They were consistent in sending me messages of when I am going to start working, but they were also consistent enough in moving the date. I patiently waited until, they stopped texting in November.

            While waiting, I also tried looking for other sources of income. I joined a direct selling company that sells imported perfumes from Europe – FM group. In fairness, their products are really mabango and the fragrance lasts long! And I recommend it to everyone. 690php for an Eau de Parfum is worth it! Then I also joined an Online Essay Writing group and it was just lately that I became their new member.

FM Fragrances

            In terms of my social life naman, this year I realized that, Ang samahan na nabuo noong high school ay ibang klase talaga! What I’m trying to say is, the friendship built since high school actually stays and they are the ones one can definitely rely on. 

            When I celebrated my birthday last March, they were present. When my family needed help, and even until my grandfather died, they were there too. Kahit pa not physically present and only through phone lang, at least I have someone to talk to. And of course, if there’s an important occasion, sama-sama at winner pa din ang attendance! (Related article  here )

With Arraine, Ernest, Harty, Beszy and Karen during my 23rd birthday celebration :)
With Daisy, She and Nina. DCNS reunion when the Japan based Daisy had her vacation :)
At the Leopando-Virtudazo Wedding with Gelai, Karen, Ms. Eva May and MJ. Ernest took this photo.

            When we talk naman about my family, well, we never left each other’s side whenever there’s a major happening sa amin.

            April this year, Buboy graduated from high school and he is now studying in UST.  Proud cousin lang ang drama ko! :) 

At Sto. Domingo Church. Buboy graduated high school from Angelicum.
            We were always complete in every family celebration, especially during birthdays, and just recently this Christmas.

Lolo's 86th birthday. Our family with some of our relatives! :)
Attended mass in St. Padre Pio Church
Random lang to. Natuwa lang ako sa amin dito, kaya sabi ko, "Picture! Picture!" :)

At Sam's 7th birthday held at Jollibee. With our cousin kuya John-John and his gf here.
My cousin Charmaine's birthday at Lamesa Grill. With her friend Precious here.

            But, the major shaker in our family this year was, when my grandfather died last September. It was really, really heartbreaking. :(  Though it may seem hard to go on after losing a family member, life is still, about moving forward. (Related article here )

            And to ease the loneliness we were feeling, after the celebration of lolo’s 40 days, Tita Dayday gave us a gift. We welcomed another member in our family – Bruno. :)

Named after Bruno Mars. Obvious ba?

            Then when it comes to love life … uhmm .. hmmm?? Speechless??  Well, that is what I’m kinda looking forward to in the coming year. Heheh!  Basta, buo lang paniniwala ko na andyan lang yan. It is just there waiting for the right time. And I’m just Right Here Waiting, chos! :p Like I’ve said, I now believe in Fate and I love love. :)

            As a whole, 2011 was just an A-Okay-Year but I will always remember the lessons and experiences I gained. At yun ang babaunin ko as we face another year. I do not have a particular New Year’s Resolution list, because I can only promise myself that I will try and do my best to become a better person. 

            Lastly, it was also this year that I started writing or having my own blog. :)  To everyone who gets to read this, and who have been part of my 2011, more years to come for us! Cheers!

            Goodbye 2011Hello and Welcome 2012 !! :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Different Christmas

            Ever since I was a kid, my family makes sure that we are all complete during the Christmas Eve. Well, not until some members of our family went overseas for work. Good thing there is technology that put us all together in the period of the event. It's like, with phone calls and/or Skype, we're still complete.

          Our celebration for this year was just like how it used to be. Except that, the person who never forgets to play Christmas songs and who always says “Wow!” whenever we hand him his presents, is now gone. My grandfather’s death in September makes Christmas this year quite very different. This is the first time we all gathered for the Noche Buena without him. Nakakamiss.
     Loss. We all experience losing something so important; it may be a valuable material thing, your favourite pet, or your career. But losing someone you love is a different issue. You have to endure the pain it caused you every single day. And what really hurts the most is the realization that, in your life, what used to be an occupied space is now already empty .. .. ..

          But as we all say, Christmas is for children and a celebration for the coming of our Lord. So with that, Happy happy birthday Jesus Christ! Tuloy ang kasiyahan!

Kids are already excited to open their gifts!

Lola was not able to join in this picture because she wasn't really feeling well. 
Missing lolo, most probably. :(

          We had the classic food favorites for a handa -- fried chicken, ham, fruit cake, black forest cake and ice cream. We also had my mom’s version of Waldorf salad. And I cooked spaghetti and the cheese crusted dory fish. 

Happy Tummy! :)

FAMILY PICTURE :) I was the one who took the photo kaya wala ako :)

Our simple Christmas tree with the gifts :) 

Happy Holidays! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 14 Years in the Making Wedding

            In life, we get to meet our One Young Love, One True Love, One Great Love and One Eternal Love. For most, one would find these from four different persons. But ever heard of people finding all of it in one? Yeah, sure you do – in ­telenovelas, movies or fairytales. Right? :)

            Last December 8, 2011, together with my former classmates, I was invited and got the chance to attend to my 1st year high school adviser’s 14-years-in-the-making-Wedding. Yes, they’ve been together that long. And from what I learned during the occasion, they were each other’s childhood sweetheart, became lovers and everything was history. Wow. Rare isn’t?

The couple work overseas ., so I guess, that explains the passport like invitation :)

            A lot of people have fallen in and out of love several times and from different persons that sometimes, one can even barely distinguish who was their true love or greatest love. Many would even lose their faith in love. That is why I find the Leopando-Virtudazo nuptial really one-of-a-kind. So, who says it can only happen to fictional characters?

            According to the couple, they have already faced countless trials and challenges along the way but, God has his own way and perfect time in revealing THE ONE for every person. Theirs was just like the Filipino saying, “Sa hinaba-haba man daw ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy”. FATE.

The very beautiful Bride Ms. Eva May in her Stunning Wedding Gown

            During the celebration, I heard their guests say, “Finally! Finally!” Those people must have anticipated long enough for this day to come and most probably, the couple do too. And for someone to wait for years just for this moment to arrive is really amazing ., very fairytale-like. DESTINY.

The lovely Bride and Groom


            And from this event, I learned that Young Love never age as long as the couple maintain the “kilig factorno matter how long they’ve been together; that True Love patiently waits; that your One Great Love is the one to whom your heart would always belong to; and that Eternal Love is a match made in heaven, blessed by God.

The Newlyweds :)

            So now, I couldn’t help but dream of my own wedding and fairytale-like love story. I love Love! :)

            Well, aside from learning more about Love, I am deeply grateful and honored to be part and witness this very special day in our adviser’s life. Imagine, after more than a decade of being her student, she thought of inviting us on this event. Sweet. :)

            So since hindi nakakalimot si Miss ., we made sure not to miss THE wedding. 

Teacher Karen, who declared na holiday sa school nila :)

Gelai, with her shoes na bet na bet ko! :p

Ernest who really looked good in the event :)
Ayan ako. patweetums lang ang peg! :)

Love this Photo! With MJ here, who only arrrived at the reception :)

With Miss ., oops! Mrs. Virtudazo na pala! :p
Ernest with Mr. and Mrs. Meirolf Virtudazo

So, to the Newlyweds, Best Wishes and God bless you always! :)

Photo by Karen and Ernest

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holy Cross Memorial Park

When we talk about cemeteries, horror or ghost stories always come first to our minds. When I was younger, every time I pass by a cemetery I think of souls, spirits, white lady and anything else similar to that. But in 2003, my tita died of cancer. Since then, my family and I had been visiting her at Holy Cross and that is why we decided to have our grandfather laid there also.

But I realized, graveyard isn’t just about creepy tales. Every time I visit them, I can get to see the beauty of nature in this very busy city. The place is serene.

I love how the sun peeked from this tree :)
I think the best time in visiting your loved ones in this park would be, early morning or late in the afternoon. 10 am to 3 pm can be very hot and may damage our skin. This place is very open, well, unless you have built a musuleo for your deceased family member or relative.

Since building a musuleo is quite pricey, we only had our loved ones buried six feet under.  Sometimes, we'd have picnic there and enjoy sitting on top of the grass, good luck lang sa ants :p 

I know that you may have thought that I will be putting pictures of mausoleum, sepulcher or tombstone. But I really think memorial parks are more than that. Spending some quiet moment while seeing how wonderful our physical world is, will surely make us feel that our family or friend is already at peace.

It is also good to catch the sunset in here. Fantastic. Although I've said to come to this place late in the afternoon, i guess it would be better to leave before 6pm or when it is about to get really dark. Well, we simply don't know what or who we might just encounter. .. :p