Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reasons of Being Single on Valentine’s Day

                ‘Tis the season of Roses, Chocolates, Love letters, Stuff toys, Restaurants and other places filled with couples. Indeed, love is in the air!

                On this day, February 14, we would expect to see couples celebrating this day really happy and full of love. People will surely find and do things just to make their partners feel loved during the Valentine’s Day. But how about those people who are not in a relationship on this day? How would the singles be able to enjoy the Heart’s Day?

                Of course there are a lot of ways. Celebrate and go out with friends, have a date with your family and other loved ones, stay busy, and a lot of other things. One may also sleep the whole day and act as if today is just a normal day or make it your ME time since for some singles, Valentine’s day is their Single Awareness Day. 

                But really, why do some people stay single when they can actually enjoy being with somebody else? While there are a lot of reason for staying in a relationship, we could also enumerate numerous reasons why people choose to be single.

                For some, being single is means staying out from headache and stress... something we all knew is just an excuse to a something deeper reason. Some would say being single keeps them away from hassle, remembering important dates, ensuring to attend to our partner and etc. Maybe they have a point. Maybe that is somehow true. And all we can give to these people is the benefit of the doubt ... the thought that may be they are telling the truth.

                Another reason for staying single is being too picky in finding or choosing the right partner for us. We would encounter people listing who they wanted to be with, what kind of a man or woman they want, they wanted this, they wanted that... even parents and family members makikilista ng standards nila.

                Third is, that person with a single status had his or her heart broken. That person could be mending his or her broken heart after a failed relationship. There are several scenario on why couples have fallen apart but these people or one of them, who used to be together might choose to just be alone... until such time he or she has finally moved on. Until the time that he or she is whole again and has the capacity to love again and enter into a commitment.

                The last reason i have in mind is that, may be that the single person is waiting for someone. Someone who promised to give love at the right moment. Someone who we wish to come back and choose us to be with them. Someone who we define as our true love. Someone who our heart has never forgotten.

I’m sureAll of us, i think, dreamed of meeting someone at the right time, right moment, who can make our heart melt and sweep us off our feet. We tend to wait for that person that is why we choose to be alone until that time arrives.

Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean we have to weep and envy those couples celebrating this special day ... for we, the singles, have our own reason why we choose to be dateless this Valentine’s Day. Furthermore, Valentine’s Day is not only meant to be celebrated by couples but also be shared to our loved ones. 

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

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