Monday, February 13, 2012

Single on Valentine's Day?

Now that Valentine’s Day is finally approaching, most people would feel that LOVE already is in the air! 

Couples, for sure, are now busy preparing and planning for their V-day date. Flowers, chocolates and balloons are all over the place. We would also notice that restaurants and cinemas are full of lovers on the 14th. But what if you are SINGLE on this very special day? What can you do to enjoy this event?

Hmmm ., broken-hearted?

I think it would best to be with your friends in celebrating this affair if you are mending a broken heart. Who else can make you laugh really hard and forget such painful situation but your friends, right? Sometimes, bonding with your buddies on Valentine’s Day can even make your friendship stronger. The only thing is, sana SINGLE din silang lahat para di ka maingit. Chos! 

“Can you be my Valentine?”

If there is that one person you wanted to be with on this event, go, and ask him/her to be your Valentine date! I think this is just so easy for guys – they only need GUTS and enough MONEY. ;p But for women like me, it would really be hard to ask a guy for a date. It would require too much COURAGE and FIGHTING SPIRIT to do it! And also, we have these tradition or Filipino values instilled to us that, that men should ALWAYS do the first move. But then again, we are all entitled with our own opinion, so, kanya-kanyang paniniwala lang yan. What’s important here is, make sure that the person you wanted to be with is also single! :p

Spend it with your FAMILY.

Is Valentine’s only meant for LOVERS? I don’t think so. For me, this is the season where in we celebrate LOVE ., not only for our partner, but also for those people dear to us – including our family. If all your friends are in a relationship and you got rejected by that person in your mind, to whom would you run to? To your family, right? Show your love and have your family as your date. :)


Whether you came from a failed relationship or a painful past, it is okay to be bitter; curse all the lovers in the world and try to pretend that Valentine’s Day doesn’t exists. Guess it is part of the healing process and our defense mechanism. But let us remember our family and friends. They are the ones who would definitely make us feel better. 

In love with a particular person? Say it. They deserve to know that they are loved. If they don’t feel the same way for you, surely you’ll get hurt; but eventually, you’ll learn to accept it. At least, nasabi mo and you’ll have no regrets and what ifs. I know it is always a different case for us girls. Pero siguro kaya nga ata merong Valentine’s Day eh, for us to have an excuse in making such major, bold move. But like I’ve said, diskarte mo na yan girl, it is always up to you.

 Does it really matter if you’re single or taken on the Heart’s Day? Well, for me, this is an occasion where we celebrate the presence of LOVE and remember how great it is. This is also the moment that we acknowledge those people we really care about, may it be your special someone, friend/s or family members. Married? In a relationship? It’s Complicated? Those are just status. I believe, what’s important is, we recognize and continue to show and spread LOVE. 

Happy Happy Valentine’s Day!  Love! Love! Love! :)

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