Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Norman and Justine: A Valentine Inspiration

            Love is already in the air as we celebrate the Valentine’s Day!

            But how would one appreciate Valentine’s Day when he/she is single and/or haven’t even gotten into a relationship? Some might feel lonely, bitter and would try to forget what day it is. But for me, seeing happy couples remind me why Valentine’s Day exists.
            One good example of these couples would probably be one of my friends who got married just last December 12, 2012. The Paradela - Abante Wedding.

            When I got the invitation, I was kinda shocked… One of the babies in our group is finally getting married?!? Really?!?! As in?!? Wasn't really expecting she'll be the first to tie the knot, but then, it happened. Justine was just such a beautiful bride during her wedding day.

            For Norman, I may not know him that much but I can feel he is such a good person … a true gentleman. I can’t even remember Justine saying anything negative about him. So seeing them together is a lovely sight. “Swak” kumbaga. 

             And so, no matter how busy I was during that time, I made sure not to miss this special event … their wedding day.

            I love how they picked the date; it was 12-12-12. The set-up and solemnity of the ceremony was perfect. I believed, from the invitation and to the motif, everything was meticulously prepared. 

            And what’s even good in being present with this very special occasion? It is us, friends, seeing each other again after quite some time. Grabe, sa kasalan na kami nagkikita-kita … 

            It was absolutely their dream wedding.

            Commitment. I think, takes a lot of responsibility and one must be emotionally prepared to jump into it. I guess Love was just adequate to make one brave enough to accept this Commitment. And I’m glad to see this lovely pair take each other’s responsibility as a married couple. Up to this day, I believe, Justine is still on a high being the newly-wedded wife. J

            I hope this would keep everyone inspired with Love.


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