Friday, December 30, 2011

A Look Back at 2011

            Just like most people do, I also feel that this year went so fast. 2011 may seemed so short, but a lot of things have happened that are really memorable. So as I look back, let me share the highlights of my year. :)

            In terms of career, hmmm, paano ba to? Well, I am a nurse and as we all know, there is a scarcity of jobs that are really nursing related. And definitely, I don’t want to just sit around and be a bum at home. So what I did was, put up a business. 

            Early January, my mom and I started planning to run a small business. We decided to have a food stall business. After gathering all the equipment and everything needed for the stand, we inaugurated the Mini Burger Stand first week of February near St. James College of Q.C.

The tarpaulin I used for the stall. Very affordable lang lahat! :)
            It was doing well naman, although not at its best or di ganoon ka-boom, we were not lugi at all. But I had to stop at the end of March because my market (mostly students of SJC) will be on vacation. We planned to be back on June, unfortunately, didn’t push through.

            I know doing business is far from being a nurse, but I did because I know I had to. And since I wasn’t able to get back, I tried to apply from different companies that are hiring nurses. It was in August when I got hired in a vaccine manufacturing company as their clinic nurse. They were consistent in sending me messages of when I am going to start working, but they were also consistent enough in moving the date. I patiently waited until, they stopped texting in November.

            While waiting, I also tried looking for other sources of income. I joined a direct selling company that sells imported perfumes from Europe – FM group. In fairness, their products are really mabango and the fragrance lasts long! And I recommend it to everyone. 690php for an Eau de Parfum is worth it! Then I also joined an Online Essay Writing group and it was just lately that I became their new member.

FM Fragrances

            In terms of my social life naman, this year I realized that, Ang samahan na nabuo noong high school ay ibang klase talaga! What I’m trying to say is, the friendship built since high school actually stays and they are the ones one can definitely rely on. 

            When I celebrated my birthday last March, they were present. When my family needed help, and even until my grandfather died, they were there too. Kahit pa not physically present and only through phone lang, at least I have someone to talk to. And of course, if there’s an important occasion, sama-sama at winner pa din ang attendance! (Related article  here )

With Arraine, Ernest, Harty, Beszy and Karen during my 23rd birthday celebration :)
With Daisy, She and Nina. DCNS reunion when the Japan based Daisy had her vacation :)
At the Leopando-Virtudazo Wedding with Gelai, Karen, Ms. Eva May and MJ. Ernest took this photo.

            When we talk naman about my family, well, we never left each other’s side whenever there’s a major happening sa amin.

            April this year, Buboy graduated from high school and he is now studying in UST.  Proud cousin lang ang drama ko! :) 

At Sto. Domingo Church. Buboy graduated high school from Angelicum.
            We were always complete in every family celebration, especially during birthdays, and just recently this Christmas.

Lolo's 86th birthday. Our family with some of our relatives! :)
Attended mass in St. Padre Pio Church
Random lang to. Natuwa lang ako sa amin dito, kaya sabi ko, "Picture! Picture!" :)

At Sam's 7th birthday held at Jollibee. With our cousin kuya John-John and his gf here.
My cousin Charmaine's birthday at Lamesa Grill. With her friend Precious here.

            But, the major shaker in our family this year was, when my grandfather died last September. It was really, really heartbreaking. :(  Though it may seem hard to go on after losing a family member, life is still, about moving forward. (Related article here )

            And to ease the loneliness we were feeling, after the celebration of lolo’s 40 days, Tita Dayday gave us a gift. We welcomed another member in our family – Bruno. :)

Named after Bruno Mars. Obvious ba?

            Then when it comes to love life … uhmm .. hmmm?? Speechless??  Well, that is what I’m kinda looking forward to in the coming year. Heheh!  Basta, buo lang paniniwala ko na andyan lang yan. It is just there waiting for the right time. And I’m just Right Here Waiting, chos! :p Like I’ve said, I now believe in Fate and I love love. :)

            As a whole, 2011 was just an A-Okay-Year but I will always remember the lessons and experiences I gained. At yun ang babaunin ko as we face another year. I do not have a particular New Year’s Resolution list, because I can only promise myself that I will try and do my best to become a better person. 

            Lastly, it was also this year that I started writing or having my own blog. :)  To everyone who gets to read this, and who have been part of my 2011, more years to come for us! Cheers!

            Goodbye 2011Hello and Welcome 2012 !! :)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Different Christmas

            Ever since I was a kid, my family makes sure that we are all complete during the Christmas Eve. Well, not until some members of our family went overseas for work. Good thing there is technology that put us all together in the period of the event. It's like, with phone calls and/or Skype, we're still complete.

          Our celebration for this year was just like how it used to be. Except that, the person who never forgets to play Christmas songs and who always says “Wow!” whenever we hand him his presents, is now gone. My grandfather’s death in September makes Christmas this year quite very different. This is the first time we all gathered for the Noche Buena without him. Nakakamiss.
     Loss. We all experience losing something so important; it may be a valuable material thing, your favourite pet, or your career. But losing someone you love is a different issue. You have to endure the pain it caused you every single day. And what really hurts the most is the realization that, in your life, what used to be an occupied space is now already empty .. .. ..

          But as we all say, Christmas is for children and a celebration for the coming of our Lord. So with that, Happy happy birthday Jesus Christ! Tuloy ang kasiyahan!

Kids are already excited to open their gifts!

Lola was not able to join in this picture because she wasn't really feeling well. 
Missing lolo, most probably. :(

          We had the classic food favorites for a handa -- fried chicken, ham, fruit cake, black forest cake and ice cream. We also had my mom’s version of Waldorf salad. And I cooked spaghetti and the cheese crusted dory fish. 

Happy Tummy! :)

FAMILY PICTURE :) I was the one who took the photo kaya wala ako :)

Our simple Christmas tree with the gifts :) 

Happy Holidays! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The 14 Years in the Making Wedding

            In life, we get to meet our One Young Love, One True Love, One Great Love and One Eternal Love. For most, one would find these from four different persons. But ever heard of people finding all of it in one? Yeah, sure you do – in ­telenovelas, movies or fairytales. Right? :)

            Last December 8, 2011, together with my former classmates, I was invited and got the chance to attend to my 1st year high school adviser’s 14-years-in-the-making-Wedding. Yes, they’ve been together that long. And from what I learned during the occasion, they were each other’s childhood sweetheart, became lovers and everything was history. Wow. Rare isn’t?

The couple work overseas ., so I guess, that explains the passport like invitation :)

            A lot of people have fallen in and out of love several times and from different persons that sometimes, one can even barely distinguish who was their true love or greatest love. Many would even lose their faith in love. That is why I find the Leopando-Virtudazo nuptial really one-of-a-kind. So, who says it can only happen to fictional characters?

            According to the couple, they have already faced countless trials and challenges along the way but, God has his own way and perfect time in revealing THE ONE for every person. Theirs was just like the Filipino saying, “Sa hinaba-haba man daw ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy”. FATE.

The very beautiful Bride Ms. Eva May in her Stunning Wedding Gown

            During the celebration, I heard their guests say, “Finally! Finally!” Those people must have anticipated long enough for this day to come and most probably, the couple do too. And for someone to wait for years just for this moment to arrive is really amazing ., very fairytale-like. DESTINY.

The lovely Bride and Groom


            And from this event, I learned that Young Love never age as long as the couple maintain the “kilig factorno matter how long they’ve been together; that True Love patiently waits; that your One Great Love is the one to whom your heart would always belong to; and that Eternal Love is a match made in heaven, blessed by God.

The Newlyweds :)

            So now, I couldn’t help but dream of my own wedding and fairytale-like love story. I love Love! :)

            Well, aside from learning more about Love, I am deeply grateful and honored to be part and witness this very special day in our adviser’s life. Imagine, after more than a decade of being her student, she thought of inviting us on this event. Sweet. :)

            So since hindi nakakalimot si Miss ., we made sure not to miss THE wedding. 

Teacher Karen, who declared na holiday sa school nila :)

Gelai, with her shoes na bet na bet ko! :p

Ernest who really looked good in the event :)
Ayan ako. patweetums lang ang peg! :)

Love this Photo! With MJ here, who only arrrived at the reception :)

With Miss ., oops! Mrs. Virtudazo na pala! :p
Ernest with Mr. and Mrs. Meirolf Virtudazo

So, to the Newlyweds, Best Wishes and God bless you always! :)

Photo by Karen and Ernest

Monday, December 12, 2011

Holy Cross Memorial Park

When we talk about cemeteries, horror or ghost stories always come first to our minds. When I was younger, every time I pass by a cemetery I think of souls, spirits, white lady and anything else similar to that. But in 2003, my tita died of cancer. Since then, my family and I had been visiting her at Holy Cross and that is why we decided to have our grandfather laid there also.

But I realized, graveyard isn’t just about creepy tales. Every time I visit them, I can get to see the beauty of nature in this very busy city. The place is serene.

I love how the sun peeked from this tree :)
I think the best time in visiting your loved ones in this park would be, early morning or late in the afternoon. 10 am to 3 pm can be very hot and may damage our skin. This place is very open, well, unless you have built a musuleo for your deceased family member or relative.

Since building a musuleo is quite pricey, we only had our loved ones buried six feet under.  Sometimes, we'd have picnic there and enjoy sitting on top of the grass, good luck lang sa ants :p 

I know that you may have thought that I will be putting pictures of mausoleum, sepulcher or tombstone. But I really think memorial parks are more than that. Spending some quiet moment while seeing how wonderful our physical world is, will surely make us feel that our family or friend is already at peace.

It is also good to catch the sunset in here. Fantastic. Although I've said to come to this place late in the afternoon, i guess it would be better to leave before 6pm or when it is about to get really dark. Well, we simply don't know what or who we might just encounter. .. :p

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We will miss you Lolo Tony

                    Life, as they say, had always been simple until letters and numbers finally met and joined together in Algebra. True enough, because for me, everything became so complicated whenever I encounter a mathematical problem. There was a time that I was feeling so hopeless to answer my assignment in Algebra, I turned to my grandfather - and I found the light! He instantly gave me answers, such a heaven sent! But, I forgot to read the direction in my homework, it says there, “Show your solutions!” Oh gosh, lolo just gave me answers without even writing his computations or solutions to the math problem!

                     Well, that’s how clever my grandfather was. I could ask him about almost everything and he’ll surely give me correct answers. Be it in Math, Science, History, and English – anything! If there’s something we cannot answer, “Itanong kay lolo”. So one day, I asked him about “pandiwa and “pang-abay”. He smiled and said, “Paki-anhi ako bis la ano ayaw la it Filipino” (“Ask me about anything except Filipino”). And I told myself, Patay!

                      Oh! Don’t judge him, okay? Waray eh. During his school years in Leyte, they were not taught of Filipino subject. He understands Tagalog, but his knowledge in our language is limited. However, that doesn’t make him any less of a Filipino. My grandfather is a true and proud Pinoy! In fact, he used to be a guerilla; a defender of the Philippines. He was brave enough to fight and risk his life during the World War II for the love our country.

                      Yes, he was a smart, brave man. But for me he is simply my lolo - a loving grandfather. I could still recall how willingly he would let me baba (or carry) on his back when I want to kahit medyo tander na siya.J He was our advocate every time lola would lock the house if we are unable to get home by 6pm. He would tell lola to let us in coz we’re just kids having fun outside. Hahah, kunsintidor lang?! When I was a kid, I used to play and collect text cards (of my fave cartoon characters like, ghost fighter, fushigi yuugi, etc). I win big from bets almost each time I play and happily go home with lots of texts in hand. But nobody was happy for me. Everyone in the house thinks those are trash, except for lolo. I would brag the game and my cards to lolo, then he’d politely say, “Makarit ka gud” (“You’re really good”). My grandfather was the only one who understands my love and kababawan for texts.J Lolo is also a very appreciative person. Give him anything like, hopia, pambahay na shorts or a cheap cologne, he would say, “Uy! Wow!” It’s as if you’ve given him the grandest gift ever! But the best thing about him was, he would stay up waiting for each of us get home no matter how late it was. Kaloka! Hindi talaga siya natutulog kahit it’s already 2-3am pag umuwi kami from gimikan! Bongga noh? That’s our lolo. Hindi mapakali pag nasa labas pa kami. He really is a father to every one of us, a true head of the family.

                      Lolo Tony was known for different things. He was our Crossword Master, Math Wizard and Walking Encyclopedia. But my grandfather was best as a teacher coz he educated us with life’s greatest lessons. He taught us that life is short so we must learn to love, forgive our enemies and never dwell on our problems. He also taught us to be a good citizen of this country by paying bills on time and always follow the law. :p For lolo, life is simple - appreciate, laugh and find peace in every situation. And as a fighter, he told us to be firm with our decisions and be strong to face every challenge that comes our way. He proved that to us when he had to confront, probably, the biggest battle in his life.

                      June 2010, our lolo, 85, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer.

                      “What?! Cancer?!” We were shocked and began to question, “Paano na?”, “Tatagal pa ba si lolo?”. Cancer eh, stage 4 pa. But lolo remained positive and followed all the procedures he had to go through. In fact, nagco-crossword pa rin siya everyday!J He went on surgery, cobalt, monthly blood transfusion, several follow-up tests and took a lot of medicines. We prayed every day and became devotees of St. Padre Pio (said to help the sick miraculously). After 4 months of confinement, his PSA (prostate cancer indicating test) showed normal results. He was finally discharged on Oct 2, 2010. Though he lost sensation on his legs and unable to walk, at least, he was somehow free from cancer and severe pain.

                      As an out-patient, he had regular check-up, PT and medication. We were able to celebrate important occasions together and he enjoyed life. He even gets to watch his favorite tv shows like Eat Bulaga & Captain Barbell. Thank God and to St. Padre Pio.

                      But on June 2011, Lolo started to complain of moderate to severe pain from his thorax up to his head and to different other parts of his body. Through a bone scan, we learned that the cancer recurred and this time, mas kalat na ang Cancer on his bones. Still an out-patient, he again had to undergo several tests and medications. Though in pain, he would still wait when one of us is not yet home. He could put up a joke even he’s hurting. He is still the same lolo tony, the OC and sometimes masungit na lolo. And amazingly, his memory was intact. On the 4th of July, I asked lolo about America’s independence. He told us that US declared their Independence from Great Britain under King George III on July 4, 1776 led by George Washington and others. Discussion continued as he told us more stories about history. Kaloka no? At that moment dami pa ding alam and recalls almost everything!

                      Winner diba? That’s why we felt tatagal pa talaga siya. But on the 1st week of August 2011, he was coughing badly, temperature would go up, his BP was normally low, weak and laging tulog. So we had him confined again (part narin ng monthly medication niya). We learned that he acquired Pneumonia and had to undergo blood transfusion due to Anemia. Several follow-up tests were done and on the 3rd week of August, he was transferred to ICU due to low sodium level. Later that week, his doctors told us that lolo was already suffering from internal bleeding on his head probably due to the widespread metastatic activity which has reached his brain. The doctors spread out our options; either we submit lolo for surgery (bubuksan yung head) which has no assurance that he’ll get really better or just help him prevent from getting into a worse condition. At his age and situation, our family decided against the surgery at wag na siya pahirapan pa. Doctors and nurses monitored him closely and lolo went through a thorough intervention. The following week, lolo was having difficulty of breathing that made him subject to intubation.

                      Though in a palliative care, we were still hoping for the best for lolo but at the same time, we were trying to expect for the worst. We visit him at the hospital every day, although yung iba di nakabisita every day due to work and school. And while we know we won’t receive any response, we still talk to him and tell him stories. Heartfelt moment is when he tries to smile and mag-senyas na he is okay even if he’s in so much pain. There were times when we would just hold and raise his hand or arm a bit, he would immediately grimace in pain. Nakaka-awa coz ganun katinding pain na nafi-feel niya. As much as we wanted to free him from pain, we chose to give him the chance to fight for his own battle and supported him all the way. Like I’ve said, our grandfather is a fighter – a strong man.

                      September 16, 2011, my grandmother and I went to hospital earlier than the usual. Aside from lolo’s caregiver who was not yet around because she wasn’t feeling well, trip lang namin agahan coz my tito was there naman. Few minutes later, Charmaine, my cousin (who seldom visits lolo because of school) came in. After assessing lolo at around 4pm, we realized he defecated. We volunteered to clean him up but lola told us to just wait for Beng, the caregiver. His doctors entered to extract blood samples from him but though they were able to locate the vein, no blood extracted. At 5pm, Buboy (Charm’s brother, also my cousin) arrived from school. Lola told to us to have our merienda. While at the canteen, hindi talaga ko mapakali. I’m really having the urge to clean up lolo. Before 6pm, we went back to change lolo’s diaper. It was hard coz medyo kumalat na, that’s why we had to change not only his diaper but also his shirt, linen, almost everything. We groomed lolo properly and made him looked really neat – not knowing it would be the last.

                      Hours later, Beng came followed by my mom. My mom, cousins and I stayed outside the room talking about lolo. Earlier, the doctor reminded us that our grandfather’s condition is on supportive care; that there is no cure, hindi na tumatalab yung mga gamot and he is getting worse.  Lolo was already suffering from multiple organ failure. His lungs, kidneys and brain were not functioning appropriately; heart nalang niya yung okay pa. We told ourselves to be prepared in case the worst thing happens. After our small chat, at around 8:40pm, a little commotion happened inside the room. Lolo had an arrest. We all panicked, called the doctors and nurses then started to pray right away.

                      The doctor checked his ECG, ordered drugs to make lolo’s heart beat again; nurses monitored his vital signs and performed CPR. It was heart breaking to see lolo being revived. But what concerned us also was lola, who broke down since the moment she saw lolo arrested. While praying for lolo, we tried to stay strong to comfort lola. We informed kuya (our cousin) about lolo so he could come. I was used to see such scene when I was still in nursing school, and now, I can’t believe it was happening to me – to our family.

                      Ten minutes after his arrest, our grandfather was revived. Thank God, lolo was still alive! We gathered around him, assured him that we are not gonna give up and we’ll support him with his fight. At past 10 pm, we had to leave the ICU coz visiting hours are over. On our way home, as in we were still on the road, we received a call from Beng. Sobrang kinabahan ako. She asked us to go back because lolo had another arrest and was now being revived. Immediately, we went back.

                      We reached his room at around 10:40 and found out that he is already stable. Although his vital signs were okay, the doctor asked our family if they would still revive our grandfather in case another arrest would occur because they find lolo deteriorating. We let lola decide and her decision was for them to do everything they could to keep lolo alive until he, himself gives up.

                      Before 11pm, kuya arrived and we were now complete. We’ve been talking and praying for lolo. Since then, we stayed and never left him. Minutes before 12mn, for the 3rd time, lolo had another arrest. They had him revived and again, the doctor asked lola if her decision is still the same because based on her assessment, it was only the drugs and ventilator that is keeping our lolo alive. Lola said “Yes”, she is sticking with her decision.

                      We knew at that time that lolo is gonna leave us. He was already cold, his hands and feet were already black and ibang-iba na hitsura niya. He has suffered a lot.

                      Since then, we never left his side and each of us had a moment with him. When it was my turn, while holding my tears I whispered to him, “kun diri mo na kaya, sige na la, diri ko pabay-an it aton pamilya” (“kung di mo na kaya, sige na lang, di ko pababayaan pamilya natin”). Then lola moved closer and for the last time, she kissed him and said, “Love you, buh-bye.” 

                      It was so hard not to cry while seeing him dying. And no matter how much we want to keep him and stay breathing, we know we have to let him go. 

                      At 1:00 am, he had another arrest. For more than 15 minutes, doctors and nurses tried to revive him – they did everything they could. But lolo Tony finally gave up and finished his fight. At around 1:20am, the doctor announced him dead.

                      We always hear people say, 'Expect the Unexpected', that’s what we did when we learned about lolo’s worsening condition. Well, maybe we can expect or anticipate but can we really ever be prepared to face for the worst thing to happen? I don't think so; coz every ample amount of hope that everything is gonna be alright, kakapitan mo talaga.

                      September 17, 2011, at age 86, our lolo Tony gave up his earthly body. And now that he is gone, all the lessons he taught us and the memories we shared with him will live on and will never be forgotten. We will surely miss you lolo. Have fun Up there! May you rest in peace.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Padre Pio and My Grandfather

          October 2009, my grandparents went home from their tour to the US. They enjoyed every minute of their stay there, especially my grandfather. And since then, Lolo have been complaining mild to moderate pain from his shoulders to his lower back. He thought it was only the result of the electronic massage he tried in the US. But still, we insisted for him to consult medical help regarding his condition and later he was diagnosed with arthritis.

He had a regular monthly check-up at the Out-Patient Department of Veterans Medical Memorial Center since my grandfather is a World War II veteran. The pain he was feeling had become consistent and would take pain relievers almost every day. 

Last week of May 2010, Lolo already cannot sit and stand alone and would seek assistance to be able to walk. His appetite decreased and experienced “balisawsaw” or urinary retention. My grandfather slowly became very weak. 

We opted another consultation where blood samples were taken from him. Then on June 11, 2010, we received the results and according to the doctor, Lolo has to undergo immediate blood transfusion because of very low hemoglobin level. He was directly confined to the hospital and had to go through several tests. His attending physician requested for more blood works, abdominal ultrasound, chest x-ray, and bone scan. According to the bone scan result, there was already a widespread metastatic activity from his prostate to several parts of his body particularly on his bones including the skull. To confirm everything, lolo had to undergo biopsy. 

July 2011, at age 85, my grandfather was diagnosed with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer. ­­­­­­­­­­The whole family got shocked, confused, and feeling hopeless upon learning that he was now suffering from the big C. Tears filled everyone’s eyes but still tried to stay strong and be positive.

While waiting for the proper intervention to be carried out, Anna, a family friend came to visit my grandfather. She introduced and told us everything about St. Padre Pio. She also massaged lolo with holy oil from Padre Pio then we all prayed. Before leaving, she gave us a copy of the novena prayer for Padre Pio. Since then, we would attend mass at the Padre Pio Shrine in Eastwood City, Libis, Quezon City.

We prayed the novena every day, until the doctor told us that my grandfather had to undergo surgery. They said they had to perform Orchiectomy or the removal of the testes.

Following the successful operation in August, we were told that my grandfather has to subject for Cobalt/Radiation Therapy. For 21 working days from August to September, Lolo went on his Cobalt Therapy session. And during those days of treatment, we would also make him drink a drop of the holy oil from Padre Pio.

After my grandfather had completed all the intervention, amazingly, a cancer indicating test showed normal result, making him free from cancer. He felt relieved and stopped complaining from pain. 

On October 2, 2010, my grandfather was discharged from confinement. At age 85 with a stage 4 Cancer, he was considered as a Cancer survivor.

As an out-patient, he went on physical therapy and continuous medication. For several months after being discharged, he seemed to keep on getting better. We happily celebrated a number of special occasions including Christmas, New Year and his 86th birthday. So with the miracle and all the blessings we had received, I promised to make a testimonial on how Padre Pio helped my grandfather survived everything. 

          But since it’s been almost a year now since my grandfather had survived cancer, this testimonial must have come late – very late.

          On June 2011, Lolo started to complain of moderate to severe pain from his thorax up to his head and to different other parts of his body. He went on a bone scan. The result showed that the cancer recurred and this time, it has a more massive widespread metastatic activity. From then, he again had to undergo several tests and medications.

          August 2011, due to low sodium he was confined at the Intensive Care Unit. His sodium was corrected for almost a week in the ICU then went back to a regular room. Although lolo had the inability to stay awake for a long time, he seemed to get even better. Until we discovered he had acquired an infection in the lungs – Pneumonia. Probably due to activity intolerance where he can only perform minimal movements and failing immune system, he had collected huge amount of phlegm that led him to Pneumonia. His sodium also failed to be on a constant normal level that caused him to a whole body edema. With such condition, he was again, transferred to the ICU.

          He was closely monitored and constantly checked up on. After several tests, the neuro-surgeon informed us that there is already an internal bleeding happening in my grandfather’s brain that caused him to sleep all day and incoherent. Though they do not guarantee a full recovery, we were asked if we wanted our lolo to undergo surgery to stop the bleeding. With my grandfather’s age and condition, we all agreed not to pursue the surgery. My grandmother doesn’t want to see her husband feel more pain and in such difficulty. As of the moment, even not on a state of comatose, my grandfather is now on mechanical support or ventilator. 

          This testimonial might have been delayed but I still pray that a miracle from God and Padre Pio would happen for my grandfather. To everyone who gets to read this, continue to have faith and believe in the power of a prayer and miracle.