Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Review of Year 2012

          The past year has been a wonderful journey for me. And now that 2012 is coming to an end, let me just enumerate and acknowledge the blessings my family and I received over the year. 
1.) Charms’ Graduation

Graduation held at the UP Film Theater, March 28, 2012

Just last March, my cousin Charmaine finally graduated from College with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

2.)  Lolo’s First Death Anniversary

September 17, exactly a year after my grandfather’s death due to cancer, we remembered his memory and prayed for his soul. And though we will never forget everything about lolo, I still find it a blessing to find our family, especially lola, moving on from losing a loved one.

3.) Mom’s discharge from the Hospital

It was last December 15, when my mom started to have difficulty in swallowing food. It went on until December 18 and that was the time she finally decided to have herself checked up. She was diagnosed to have epiglottittis (is an inflammation of the epiglottis — the flap at the base of the tongue that keeps food from going into the trachea (windpipe) –Wikipedia) which is considered to be an emergency medical condition if not treated immediately as it may block the airway. So, with the doctor’s advice, she sought consult and had herself confined at Capitol Medical Center. After four (4) days of medical intervention (with antibiotics), she was already able to ingest food and feel better. On December 22, my mom got discharged from the hospital. It was a blessing indeed that she was diagnosed and treated even before any complication has occurred.

4.) Celebrations with friends

To meet and have friends is fun; but to make a friendship work and last long is a blessing. So for this year, I thought it is a blessing to find time to be with my friends and share celebrations no matter how busy we were with work. 

5.) Celebrations with family

Adding another year in our lives is definitely a blessing and surely has to be celebrated.

6.) Visit to Manaoag in Tagaytay

It was our first to visit Our Lady of Manaoag in Tagaytay last January 8, 2012. Since it was our first, we made sure to make a wish and pray for our intentions. There I prayed that hopefully, in 2012, I would already land a job. I never thought my prayer will be heard that fast which led me to, probably, the biggest blessing I received in 2012.

7.) Employed as University Nurse

January 9, 2012, a day after visiting Our Lady of Manaoag, I applied for the University Nurse position in AMA. With high hopes although not expecting much, I got hired. I was like, finally, goodbye bum life! I already so thankful to be employed; but to gain all the experiences I had, to learn more and meet new friends is more than a blessing for me. There is actually a lot to talk about being the University Nurse of AMA but I guess I have to reserve it on my next post. 

          It seemed so fast but 2012 has been quite a year. I remember last year I hoped to find a special someone in 2012, but I think, saka na yon. J There’s just a lot to be thankful for. And now that we are about to welcome 2013, I can only hope for another blessed year not only for me and my family, but also to everyone who gets to read this… 

  Happy Happy New Year! Godbless! 

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